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- /*
- SetOnePixel.c
- NOTE: These routines are obsolete, retained solely for backward compatibility.
- Use SetPixelsQuickly.c instead, since it's more than ten times faster in
- most applications.
- These are replacements for the official Apple SetCPixel, etc. Their virtue is
- that they're faster (but still slow) and don't translate your index via the
- color table. GetxxxPixel & SetxxxPixel all ignore the color spec arrays, giving
- you direct access to the unsigned number stored in the pixel (whether 1, 2, 4,
- 8, 16, or 32 bits)..
- SetOnePixel(x,y,value);
- value=GetOnePixel(x,y);
- They use the current port. x and y are local coordinates.
- SetPixmapPixel() and GetPixmapPixel() use the specified pixmap or bitmap.
- SetDevicePixel() and GetDevicePixel() use the specified graphics device (i.e.
- monitor).
- If you are setting many contiguous pixels you will be wasting most of your time
- on the call overhead (once per pixel). That's why you should use
- SetPixelsQuickly.c instead.
- These routines (and RectToAddress) do not "move memory", i.e. they don't give the
- Memory Manager any pretext for shuffling around the memory allocations, and
- change its master pointers. That's why it's OK to dereference the pixmap handle,
- i.e. use a local copy of the pixmap's master pointer.
- All the routines in this file call either SetPixmapPixel or GetPixmapPixel. Both
- run fast by caching the information that they get about your Bit/Pixmap from
- RectToAddress. SetPixmapPixel and GetPixmapPixel each have their own cache.
- 4/4/89 dgp wrote it as SetIPixel.c
- 9/8/90 dgp updated to work with 32 bit QuickDraw, if present.
- 10/15/90 bf renamed SetIPixelGW.c and modified for drawing to off screen pix maps.
- 4/26/92 dgp Merged the two variants: SetIPixel.c and SetIPixelGW.c to produce the
- new file SetOnePixel.c.
- Renamed SetIPixelGW to SetPixmapPixel.
- Renamed GetIPixelGW to GetPixmapPixel.
- Renamed SetIPixel to SetDevicePixel.
- Renamed GetIPixel to GetDevicePixel.
- Added SetOnePixel and GetOnePixel.
- Generalized to handle any pixelSize, and accept bitmaps as well
- as pixmaps.
- 12/23/92 dgp Doubled the speed of SetPixmapPixel and GetPixmapPixel (and thus sped up
- all the routines that call them) by caching the answers from RectToAddress.
- The cache doubles the speed, but see CAUTION above.Introduced compile-time
- flag to optionally disable this new cache.
- 1/6/93 dgp Fixed tiny but disastrous bug in GetPixmapPixel (wasn't saving old x and y).
- 1/22/93 dgp Check more PixMap fields to make sure cache is not stale. Deleted the
- warning about stale caches from the documentation.
- 2/7/93 dgp Wrote SetPixelsQuickly.c.
- 7/9/93 dgp check for 32-bit addressing capability.
- 6/18/94 dgp can32 is now computed by calling TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode), which
- returns the correct answer even on Macs with dirty ROMs.
- 5/23/95 dgp Apple changed the prototype in the header file from SwapMMUMode(char *) to
- SwapMMUMode(signed char *). To retain compatibility with both old and new
- headers, I cast the argument (void *).
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #ifndef __TRAPS__
- #include <Traps.h> // _SwapMMUMode
- #endif
- #define USE_CACHE 1 // true or false
- void SetOnePixel(int x,int y,unsigned long value)
- // Assumes (x,y) is in the local coordinate system of the current port.
- {
- WindowPtr window;
- PixMapPtr pm;
- GetPort(&window);
- if(x<window->portRect.left || x>=window->portRect.right
- || y<window->portRect.top || y>=window->portRect.bottom)return;
- // Is it a CGrafPort or a GrafPort?
- if(((CGrafPtr)window)->portVersion<0) // It's a CGrafPort,
- pm = *((CGrafPtr)window)->portPixMap; // pass pixmap ptr.
- else // It's a GrafPort,
- pm = (PixMapPtr) &window->portBits; // pass bitmap ptr.
- SetPixmapPixel(pm,x,y,value);
- }
- unsigned long GetOnePixel(int x,int y)
- // Assumes (x,y) is in the local coordinate system of the current port.
- {
- WindowPtr window;
- PixMapPtr pm;
- GetPort(&window);
- if(x<window->portRect.left || x>=window->portRect.right
- || y<window->portRect.top || y>=window->portRect.bottom)return 0;
- // Is it a CGrafPort or a GrafPort?
- if(((CGrafPtr)window)->portVersion<0) // It's a CGrafPort,
- pm = *((CGrafPtr)window)->portPixMap; // pass pixmap ptr.
- else // It's a GrafPort,
- pm = (PixMapPtr) &window->portBits; // pass bitmap ptr.
- return GetPixmapPixel(pm,x,y);
- }
- void SetPixmapPixel(register PixMapPtr pmPtr,int x,int y,unsigned long value)
- // Pokes a value into a pixel of any size. Accepts either pixmap or bitmap.
- // Assumes (x,y) is in the coordinate system of the bit/pixmap.
- // Speed is enhanced by reusing the cached information from last time if it's the
- // same Pix/Bitmap as last time, i.e. same address, baseAddr,rowBytes, and bounds.
- // You can force it to flush its cache by passing a NULL PixMap address.
- {
- static PixMapPtr oldPmPtr=(PixMapPtr)-1;
- static int oldX,oldY;
- static short rowBytes,logPixelSize,bitsOffset;
- static unsigned char *pixelPtr;
- static BitMap oldMap;
- int shift;
- unsigned char mask;
- signed char mode32=true32b;
- Rect r;
- Boolean can32;
- can32=TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode);
- if(!USE_CACHE || pmPtr!=oldPmPtr
- || pmPtr->baseAddr!=oldMap.baseAddr
- || pmPtr->rowBytes!=oldMap.rowBytes
- || *(long *)&pmPtr->bounds.top!=*(long *)&oldMap.bounds.top
- || *(long *)&pmPtr->bounds.bottom!=*(long *)&oldMap.bounds.bottom){
- // Cache is stale. Get fresh values.
- short pixelSize;
- SetRect(&r,x,y,x+1,y+1);
- pixelPtr=RectToAddress(pmPtr,&r,&rowBytes,&pixelSize,&bitsOffset);
- if(pixelPtr==NULL){
- oldPmPtr=(PixMapPtr)-1; // invalidate cache
- return;
- }
- oldPmPtr=pmPtr;
- oldMap=*(BitMap *)pmPtr;
- logPixelSize=Log2L(pixelSize);
- }else{
- // Cache is fresh. Merely correct for changes in x and y.
- if(pixelPtr==NULL)return;
- if(logPixelSize<3){
- register long bits;
- bits=bitsOffset+(long)(x-oldX)<<logPixelSize;
- pixelPtr+=bits>>3;
- bitsOffset=bits&7;
- }else pixelPtr+=(x-oldX)<<(logPixelSize-3);
- if(y!=oldY)pixelPtr+=(long)(y-oldY)*rowBytes;
- }
- if(can32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mode32);
- switch(logPixelSize){
- register unsigned char val;
- case 0:
- shift=8-1-bitsOffset; // from right, instead of from left
- mask=1<<shift;
- val=((unsigned char)value<<shift)&mask;
- mask=~mask;
- *pixelPtr= *pixelPtr & mask | (unsigned char)val;
- break;
- case 1:
- shift=8-2-bitsOffset; // from right, instead of from left
- mask=3<<shift;
- val=((unsigned char)value<<shift)&mask;
- mask=~mask;
- *pixelPtr= *pixelPtr & mask | (unsigned char)val;
- break;
- case 2:
- shift=8-4-bitsOffset; // from right, instead of from left
- mask=15<<shift;
- val=((unsigned char)value<<shift)&mask;
- mask=~mask;
- *pixelPtr= *pixelPtr & mask | (unsigned char)val;
- break;
- case 3:
- *pixelPtr=value;
- break;
- case 4:
- *(unsigned short *)pixelPtr=value;
- break;
- case 5:
- *(unsigned long *)pixelPtr=value;
- break;
- }
- if(can32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mode32);
- oldX=x;
- oldY=y;
- }
- unsigned long GetPixmapPixel(register PixMapPtr pmPtr,int x,int y)
- // Returns the contents of a pixel of any size. Accepts either pixmap or bitmap.
- // Assumes (x,y) is in the coordinate system of the bit/pixmap.
- // Speed is enhanced by reusing the cached information from last time if it's the
- // same Pix/Bitmap as last time, i.e. same address, baseAddr,rowBytes, and bounds.
- // You can force it to flush its cache by passing a NULL PixMap address.
- {
- static PixMapPtr oldPmPtr=(PixMapPtr)-1;
- static int oldX,oldY;
- static short rowBytes,logPixelSize,bitsOffset;
- static unsigned char *pixelPtr;
- static BitMap oldMap;
- int shift;
- signed char mode32=true32b;
- Rect r;
- unsigned long value;
- Boolean can32;
- can32=TrapAvailable(_SwapMMUMode);
- if(!USE_CACHE || pmPtr!=oldPmPtr
- || pmPtr->baseAddr!=oldMap.baseAddr
- || pmPtr->rowBytes!=oldMap.rowBytes
- || *(long *)&pmPtr->bounds.top!=*(long *)&oldMap.bounds.top
- || *(long *)&pmPtr->bounds.bottom!=*(long *)&oldMap.bounds.bottom){
- // Cache is stale. Get fresh values.
- short pixelSize;
- SetRect(&r,x,y,x+1,y+1);
- pixelPtr=RectToAddress(pmPtr,&r,&rowBytes,&pixelSize,&bitsOffset);
- if(pixelPtr==NULL){
- oldPmPtr=(PixMapPtr)-1; // invalidate cache
- return 0;
- }
- oldPmPtr=pmPtr;
- oldMap=*(BitMap *)pmPtr;
- logPixelSize=Log2L(pixelSize);
- }else{
- // Is already in cache. Merely correct for changes in x and y.
- if(pixelPtr==NULL)return 0;
- if(logPixelSize<3){
- register long bits;
- bits=bitsOffset+(long)(x-oldX)<<logPixelSize;
- pixelPtr+=bits>>3;
- bitsOffset=bits&7;
- }else pixelPtr+=(x-oldX)<<(logPixelSize-3);
- if(y!=oldY)pixelPtr+=(long)(y-oldY)*rowBytes;
- }
- if(can32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mode32);
- switch(logPixelSize){
- case 0:
- shift=8-1-bitsOffset; // from right, instead of from left
- value=*pixelPtr>>shift & 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- shift=8-2-bitsOffset; // from right, instead of from left
- value=*pixelPtr>>shift & 3;
- break;
- case 2:
- shift=8-4-bitsOffset; // from right, instead of from left
- value=*pixelPtr>>shift & 15;
- break;
- case 3:
- value=*pixelPtr;
- break;
- case 4:
- value=*(unsigned short *)pixelPtr;
- break;
- case 5:
- value=*(unsigned long *)pixelPtr;
- break;
- }
- if(can32)SwapMMUMode((void *)&mode32);
- oldX=x;
- oldY=y;
- return value;
- }
- void SetDevicePixel(GDHandle device,int x,int y,unsigned long value)
- // Assumes (x,y) is relative to the upper left hand corner of the screen.
- {
- if(device==NULL)return;
- x+=(*(*device)->gdPMap)->bounds.left;
- y+=(*(*device)->gdPMap)->bounds.top;
- SetPixmapPixel(*(*device)->gdPMap,x,y,value);
- }
- unsigned long GetDevicePixel(GDHandle device,int x,int y)
- // Assumes (x,y) is relative to the upper left hand corner of the screen.
- {
- if(device==NULL)return 0;
- x+=(*(*device)->gdPMap)->bounds.left;
- y+=(*(*device)->gdPMap)->bounds.top;
- return GetPixmapPixel(*(*device)->gdPMap,x,y);
- }
- /*
- // Slightly faster than RectToAddress, but much less general.
- // Requires 8-bit pixelSize. It will give wrong answer when
- // the pixmap is derived from a window in a multi-screen environment.
- unsigned char *GetPixmapPixelAddress(PixMapPtr pmPtr,int x,int y)
- {
- register unsigned char *pixelPtr;
- if(!(pmPtr->rowBytes & 0x8000) || pmPtr->pixelSize != 8) {
- PrintfExit("GetPixmapPixelAddress(): sorry, I require 8 bits/pixel.\007\n");
- }
- if(x<pmPtr->bounds.left || x>=pmPtr->bounds.right
- || y<pmPtr->bounds.top || y>=pmPtr->bounds.bottom)return NULL;
- x-=pmPtr->bounds.left;
- y-=pmPtr->bounds.top;
- pixelPtr=(unsigned char *)pmPtr->baseAddr;
- pixelPtr+=y*(long)(pmPtr->rowBytes & 0x1fff);
- pixelPtr+=x;
- return pixelPtr;
- }
- */